Scattering urns for ashes

Scattering urns for ashes

Scattering urns for ashes

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Scattering urns are designed specifically for the ceremonial release of ashes into nature, providing a dignified way to commemorate the life of a loved one. Unlike traditional urns meant for display, scattering urns are crafted to facilitate a smooth and respectful dispersion of ashes. These urns are made from biodegradable materials, ensuring they leave minimal environmental impact, aligning with eco-friendly values many families hold dear.

Why choose to scatter ashes?

Scattering ashes allows for a meaningful engagement with the memory of the deceased, offering family and friends a way to reflect and let go. This act of scattering can occur in a place that was special to your loved one, connecting the farewell ceremony to personal memories and significant moments. It's a choice that embodies freedom and the return of one’s physical essence to the natural world, be it a leafy woodland, tranquil sea, or atop a peaceful hill.

Types of scattering urns and scattering tubes

We offer two types of urns for scattering ashes: scattering tubes and urn caskets made of medium-density fibreboard (MDF). Our scattering tubes are designed for simplicity and ease of use, ideal for a single, graceful scattering ceremony. These tubes are lightweight, sturdy, and designed to temporarily hold ashes until they are dispersed at your chosen location. On the other hand, our MDF scattering urn caskets provide a more traditional look with the durability and smooth finish of engineered wood. Both options are crafted to facilitate a respectful and meaningful dispersal of ashes, allowing for a dignified farewell in a manner that suits your preferences.

Personalisation of scattering urns

Personalisation is possible for both scattering urns and tubes, providing a way to make the memorial more heartfelt and individualised. Options include engraving names, dates, or personal messages directly onto the urn or tube. This customisation helps create a more intimate and poignant experience during the scattering ceremony, making it truly reflective of the life it commemorates.

How does scattering of ashes work?

The process of scattering ashes is a profound and personal ceremony that can be carried out in various ways depending on personal or familial wishes. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

  • Choose a meaningful location: Select a place that was significant to your loved one or offers a sense of peace and beauty. This could be a favourite hiking spot, a serene beach, or a family property.
  • Prepare the scattering urn: Ensure that the urn is ready for the ceremony. If you are using a scattering tube, it will typically have an easy-open lid designed to facilitate a smooth release of the ashes.
  • Gather your loved ones: While some prefer a private ceremony, others may choose to include family and friends to share at the moment. This gathering can be an opportunity for each person to say a few words, share memories, or recite a poem.
  • Scatter the ashes: When you’re ready, slowly tilt the scattering urn towards the ground or over the water and allow the ashes to gently flow out. Some choose to scatter all the ashes in one location, while others might scatter them in several meaningful spots.
  • Mark the moment: Some families decide to mark the scattering with a moment of silence, the playing of a significant song, or the release of biodegradable balloons or flowers.
  • Leave no trace: Especially in natural settings, it’s important to follow local regulations and leave no trace principles, ensuring the area remains pristine and undisturbed.

By following these steps, you can conduct a scattering ceremony that is not only respectful but also a beautiful, lasting tribute to your loved one. Read our complete guide for scattering ashes.

Do you need advice for selecting the right scattering urn or tube?

Selecting the perfect scattering urn or tube is a deeply personal decision that can be influenced by several factors, including the nature of the ceremony and the final resting place of the ashes. Our team is here to provide expert guidance and support through every step of the selection process, ensuring that you find an urn that honours the memory of your loved one in the best way possible.